
Rakkaudesta sähköön

Rakkaudesta sähköön (In Love with Electricity) by Marc Gassot and Karl Sinkkonen is a deadly funny physical comedy about a bitter man whose only company are his imaginary friends Loneli and Ness. What lies behind the main character's anger? Is he destined for freedom or death? What is his purpose on this space rock spinning in the void, called Earth? In Love with Electricity is directed by Aitor Basauri, clown artist of world renown and founding member of Britain’s Spymonkey Theatre Company. Marc Gassot, Tanjalotta Räikkä and Karl Sinkkonen make up the cast. Karl Sinkkonen has also composed the show’s music, with lyrics by Saara Törmä. The lighting design is by Mikko Hynninen, and designer Saija Siekkinen is responsible for the stunning costumes.

Production Team

Cast Marc Gassot, Tanjalotta Räikkä, Karl Sinkkonen

Director Aitor Basauri Music Karl Sinkkonen Song lyrics Saara Törmä Costume design Saija Siekkinen Lighting and sound design Mikko Hynninen Make-up design Petra Kuntsi Director's assistant Susanna Pukkila