Sustainability is everyday choices and far-reaching decisions

The values the Finnish National Theatre (FNT) hold fuel our mission to actively engage in dialogue with society at large about ethical, moral, and political issues. In a drama theatre, programming speaks volumes: we tackle current and divisive topics head-on, and don’t shy away from raising uncomfortable societal issues.

We believe that articulating grievances, and making them visible, helps to fight them.

From a sustainability point of view, however, that is not enough. Our shared planet is not doing well, and democracy is under threat. We want to do our share and build a better future: our aim is to be a beacon for sustainability among performing arts practitioners.

We work every day to learn more to make better decisions, and to act. A four-pillar ESGC model provides a framework for our sustainability work.


E is for environmental responsibility: thrift and reuse
Responsibility and concern for the environment guides us to reduce our carbon footprint and environmental impact. Our keywords for environmental responsibility are thrift and reuse.
S is for social responsibility: diversity and inclusivity
The FNT’s values are equality, openness to dialogue, and artistry. These values are actualised in everyday interactions, in programming, and the FNT’s strategy: they must be seen and felt as active deeds on stage, in the auditorium, and behind the scenes.
G is for good governance: transparency and sustainability
Every organisation in Finland must obey the rule of law, that goes without saying. From a sustainability perspective, however, laws are only an overture and good governance is actualised through supporting actions.
Good governance at the FNT is defined by transparency and sustainability. It means that management is transparent, and communications actualise equality aims.
Keskustelutilaisuus Monttu auki? Kuva: Tuomo Manninen.
C is for culture: taking theatre to everyone
The FNT wants to uphold the right to culture by taking theatre to as many people as possible, by collaborating with others, and through networking.

Our Communities and Engagement Department works every day to bring forth a diverse and accessible FNT. Touring Stage, the Finnish National Youth Theatre, and Audience Outreach form an organisational unit at whose core is facilitation of arts experiences for audiences that may otherwise miss out on theatre altogether. For more than a decade, Touring Stage has taken theatre to places where access to arts is limited, such as care facilities, prisons, and youth detention centres.


Our core values are artistry, equality, and openness to dialogue. We promise to act to promote diversity, sustainable development, and democracy – now, and in the future.