Postal address
Läntinen Teatterikuja 1
00100 Helsinki
Email addresses are in the format
Box office
Director of The FNT
Mika Myllyaho
Administrative Director
Päivi Isosaari
+35810 7331 203 / +35850 3816 436
Technical Director
Antti Aho
+35810 7331 264 / +35850 320 9601
Producer, Assistant to the Director
Hanna Reetta Majanen
+35810 7331 259 / +35850 374 4181
Head Stage director
Esa Leskinen
+35810 733 1210
Head of Dramaturgy / International relations
Eva Buchwald
+35810 7331 314 / +35850 315 2947
Michael Baran
+35810 7331 261
Minna Leino
+35810 7331 321
Technical Producer / International Technical Co-ordinator
Jukka Vuokko
+35810 7331 258 / +35850 414 0786
Head of Costumes
Heli Hynynen
+35810 7331 380 / +35846 922 0590
Please note the FNT is unable to offer costume hire.
Head of Communities and Engagement department
Jussi Lehtonen
+35810 7331 205 / +35850 441 7611
Executive Producer of Communities and Engagement department
Roosa Vaverka
+35810 7331 253 / +35850 373 1925
Head of Sales and Marketing
Marika Agarth
+35810 7331 244 / +35850 598 4331
Head of Media
Karoliina Masalin
+35810 7331 238 / +35850 540 5062
Communications Manager
Kirsi Helstelä
+35810 7331 223 / +35850 562 9394
Head Custodian
Riikka Koskinen
+35810 7331 458 / +35850 592 8122
For enquiries about the building renovation
For feedback on accessibility